Thor’s New Enemy? Rampant Rumors for Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok, Marvel’s third movie focusing on its storm god hero and his unstable brother Loki has been in the works for some time with very little information. Indeed, Chris Hemsworth’s boisterous bruiser character has kept an uncharacteristically low profile all the way around, having been notably absent from Captain America: Civil War, a blockbuster showdown that brought all of Marvel’s most noteworthy heroes together.

But now we know that filming is under way in Brisbane, Australia and the costars Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston (Loki) have kicked a hornet’s nest of rumors with a seemingly innocent on-set photo.

No one will deny that Hiddleston rocks a sharp suit and Hemsworth looks immaculate even in jeans and a hoodie. But Loki has donned contemporary three-piece suits for covert Earth missions in the first Thor film and in The Avengers. The God of Thunder was similarly seen to dress down during the party scene in The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Are our lead actors in costume, hinting at them keeping a low profile on Earth, possibly even working together? The ending of Thor 2: The Dark World left a ton of questions about how Loki and Thor’s relationship will ultimately play out. But seeing them work together again would certainly be a treat.

It might even be a good idea for the two cosmic siblings to keep their heads down for a while on Earth. If those headlines behind Hemsworth are to be believed, the gods of Asgard have become big news again and not in a good way. “HAS THOR RETURNED!” thunders one headline. “VILLAIN LOKI SPOTTED!” proclaims another. But the Colonial Post papers at the top of the rack bear an even more ominous message, declaring a “Hammer Attack” has occurred?

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