Thor’s New Enemy? Rampant Rumors for Ragnarok

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Well, it has been speculated that Thor: Ragnarok will draw story elements primarily from Thor’s chapter of Marvel’s Avengers Disassembled series. In addition to allying with the fiery monster Surtur, Loki also begins mass-producing copies of Thor’s indestructible hammer, Mjolnir. These inferior copies don’t hold a candle to Thor’s star-forged weapon individually, but there are a lot of them and together they pack quite a whollop. If “hammer attacks” are making the news in the MCU, then there’s a compelling possibility that Loki once again has an army.

avengers loki the avengers marvel tom hiddleston

Other source material that might find its way into Thor: Ragnarok includes Marvel’s Fear Itself storyline, whose primary antagonist was the rogue Asgardian known as Serpent. This menacing entity – secretly a long-lost brother of Odin – enhanced various superbeings to become his Worthy. Capable of laying waste to entire countries single-handedly, the Serpent’s Worthy came equipped with their own awesomely powerful magic hammers. Making matters more interesting in this regard is the casting of Australian actor Jasper Bragg in an undisclosed mystery role in the film. While Bragg has an extensive resume and talents of great service to a blockbuster film, it is worth noting that he bears a distinctive visual resemblance to none other than Asgard’s outcast Serpent…

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Details of what Thor: Ragnarok will actually involve may be sparse for now, but it is safe to say that the end result will be Earth shattering. One thing is certain: the hammer will fall. But will it be that of the God of Thunder… Or of a triumphant foe? With Ragnarok – the fabled end of the world – fast approaching, here is Thor himself to talk about how he has been preparing in the meantime:



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