GIRL POWER! The Rise of the Female Superhero

Boys like superheroes, girls like romantic comedies. My my… how wrong can Hollywood be?

For decades, Hollywood has catered superheroes to a very specific demographic: males ages 14-35. However, with the rise of fantastically diverse, deep and engrossing female characters permeating not only the Marvel but DC Universes, we are seeing a shift from the superhero boys club of old.

Adding to their backstories, the actresses tasked with bringing these heroes to life have no small job. Each has given personality to their characters – some being new iterations of old favorites – and pushed them to the forefront of their respective universes.

Here’s a quick rundown of the most awesome female inclusions on the big screen and small screen…

5. Jean Grey – X-Men: Age of Apocalypse

Before she took on Apocalypse as Jean Grey, Sophie Turner was galloping across Winterfell on HBO’s Game of Thrones. As Sansa Stark, she has no mutant powers or clairvoyance but as Jean Grey, she possesses the most powerful abilities of any character in ANY comic book universe. The second iteration of Jean Grey – previously portrayed by Famke Janssen – plays a more pivotal role in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) and looks to provide a female anchor point for forthcoming X-Men franchise movies and spin-offs.

4. Negasonic Teenage Warhead: Deadpool

Some might wonder why such a ancillary character was included in Top 5 list. Well, why not? Played by Brianna Hildebrand, Negasonic Teenage Warhead embodied the best broodingly emo characteristics of a post-adolescent teen that we could have hoped for. Her mutant powers of destructive telekinetic detonation leveled not only her foes but the movie going audience who thought she was going to be “just another girl.”

3. Black Widow: Captain America – The Winter Soldier

We all know her initial cinematic appearance was in Iron Man 2, but the first time Scarlett Johansson was able to kick major ass as Black Widow would come in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Long gone are the days when a busty and beautiful woman is used to merely seduce her male counterparts. Now, she has the skills and capabilities to utterly obliterate them in hand-to-hand combat. Johansson has done such an impeccable job bringing Black Widow to life that Marvel is currently in the beginning phases of a stand alone movie for the character.


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