12 Sleep Paralysis Stories That Will Keep You Up At Night

Zipper Bro Films



“Sleep paralysis is a terrifying phenomenon. If you’ve ever experienced it you know what I mean, if you haven’t then count yourself lucky. Most people will experience this at least once or twice. I’ve had it 5 times exactly. I researched it after the 3rd time and now I take active precautions against it happening anymore. I’ve learned sleeping on your back and in an unfamiliar or unsafe location can trigger it more easily, but it can happen at any time.

The final time happened two years ago, when I was 20. I had bought a new bed and didn’t have the frame yet so I layed it on the floor to sleep on for the night. It was in front of my dark closet and I dozed off. I woke up paralyzed, and my closet door was in front of me. This time I was scared, but calm. The last experience was so shocking that this time couldn’t possibly be as bad. I simply watched as the dark closet began to grow and grow, to take form and spread throughout the room. I recalled the second time when the darkness took form in the corner of my room, and simply assumed that this time would be no different. As the darkness began to grow and form, in the middle of the closest there was something… Someone in there began to walk out. It was the same figure from before. Except it had a mouth this time, and it smiled at me. I woke up.
Since this incident, I have not had sleep paralysis. It has been 2 years and now I live in a different state and I’m married. I take every precaution I can every night to not have it again. I refuse to fall asleep on my back, I don’t eat before bed, and I make sure I feel safe. I have a feeling this figure I encountered wants to see me more, and I don’t want that to ever happen again.”



“So for some reason, for the past 2 weeks I have been experiencing SP almost every night. It used to happen often when I was obsessed with lucid dreaming but after some terrible experiences I never looked back.

Usually the shadowy figure of a man just stands in my room and stares at me, sometimes moving closer. However, the other night I opened my eyes to see him facing away sitting on my swiveling computer chair. At first I thought I was awake and that the shadow was just my chair…Until the chair slowly began rotating to face me, I could not move or yell, and sure enough, the man was sitting on it completely still, looking directly at me.

I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about it. Funny though, the love/hate sentiments I have toward these experiences. They are fascinating but terrifying.”



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