12 Sleep Paralysis Stories That Will Keep You Up At Night

Zipper Bro Films



“Once, I fell asleep on my back (which I’m not supposed to die to sleep paralysis), and I felt that I couldn’t move anymore. I had my hand on my chest when I was sleeping and I began pressing my hand down on my chest because I thought I would start floating because I’ve had an out of body experiences before.

Anyway, I started floating to the right side corner of the room and I saw myself, from my bed, looking at myself floating in the air. And then I was looking at myself floating through my own eyes. In short, I was looking at myself in first person and third person. After that, “I” or whatever that was floating disappeared and I was laying on my bed looking at my closet in silence, and then it comes back. It looks all white and it starts circling around my body and it was really cold, then it entered me through my navel and I felt it inside.

Then, I “woke up”, but I was still paralyzed and I tried moving and then I did. But then I “woke up” again when I thought I had already woken up and I was trembling a lot and I was cold and I still felt it inside of me. Anyone know what happened..?”




“I had never dealt with sleep paralysis until just last year. I am twenty years old, and still was during this experience. I had been listening to stories about sleep paralysis, and thought it was interesting but didn’t know if I really believed in it for the longest time. That obviously changed once I had my first time. Before I begin, I want to say that I am a pretty big guy, and I don’t scare easily. In fact I love horror movies and books so much that I am planning on becoming a horror writer as a career. This should help you to reaize just how much this experience frightened me.

I remember waking up and being able to tell from the light coming in the room that it was pretty early in the morning. I remember trying to reach for my phone, but I found I couldn’t move. For some reason, I didn’t even realize that this was sleep paralysis for a while afterwords. Anyways I was looking around my room, starting to panic slightly cause I realized I couldn’t move, that is when I saw her.

My sister R, was standing near the foot of my bed, just standing there. When she saw that I had noticed her, she started walking towards me. I love my sister, and never would say anything mean about her, but she is admittedly a little overweight, and as she walked closer and closer to my head, I watched in horror as she started to become thinner and paler with every step!by the time she reached my head, she was nothing but skin stretched over a skeleton. Now I knew that in these experiences its common to see and sometimes even hear things, but I wasn’t prepared for what happened next. I watched her raise a hand, and I felt it as she started to slightly caress my forehead.

That was what finally broke me out of it, and I ended up screaming so loud that I woke up the whole house. It just so happened that my sister R, was in the bathroom in the room next to me, and she was the first one to enter the room after I screamed, which just lead me to scream more.

I have not had any instances of sleep paralysis since that incident, and I hope I never do again. I can say though, that to anyone who doesn’t believe this is a real phenomenon, trust me it’s all too real.”



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