12 Sleep Paralysis Stories That Will Keep You Up At Night

Zipper Bro Films



“I have a lot of sleep paralysis experiences. I have had sleep issues since I was just a kid. Whether it’s nightmares, insomnia, intense fatigue, or sleep paralysis, something is always going on with my sleep.

So I thought I would share what commonly happens to me during a sleep paralysis episode. I feel awake the whole time it happens. It doesn’t matter if I’m on my side or on my back. I’ll start to feel a very even weight pushing down on my entire body equally. I compare it to the feeling of having a mattress on top of me.

The weight will just press me down into my bed, but it doesn’t hurt. I can still breathe, I just feel very heavy and unable to move.

After this comes the roller feeling. I call it the roller because it is another weight, but it starts down at my feet, and it feels like a steam roller is slowly crushing my body flat, from the bottom up. It gets steadily more painful as it goes up. By the time the roller reaches my hips, I feel like all of my blood has rushed up into my head. I feel intense pressure.
The roller feeling continues to come up and when it reaches my chest, I can’t breathe. I literally feel like everything is going to squish out of my head as it finishes rolling over me. When it finally rolls over my head, I feel normal again. My body’s pressure evens out, and I can breathe again. I just can’t move still, but I’m so relieved by the time the roller is done.

After this part happens, I will slide into a nightmare, or experience waking night terrors (the shadow men and things like that).

If I’m woken up after the roller part happens, I will shiver uncontrollably until I fall asleep again. It feels like I’m being electrocuted and that’s the only movement I have during these episodes.”




“I can recall the first time I experienced sleep paralysis when I was 11 or 12 years old and it happened pretty frequently as I got older. I started to realize after doing a lot of research on the subject that I just needed to relax and not panic and it would go away. Sometimes there would be the infamous Intruder that would come into my room or I’d hear someone in the house that wasn’t there but this morning was the first time something made–for lack of a better term–contact with me.

I woke up to the feeling of something sitting right next to me on the side of the bed. I thought it was my cat so I opened my eyes to shoo him away but nothing was there. The sunken in, weighted feeling didn’t go away. I tried to go back to sleep and that’s when I saw something come into the room. It was a person made of black fire, like a shadow person but it moved like fire.

I was laying on my side facing out and this thing came closer. I closed my eyes hoping if I relax it will go away but for the first time I actually felt held down. I felt someone press my head into the pillow and push down my legs and I heard this crazy, incoherent voice. It was rambling something I didn’t understand in this weird multi-voice, several different pitches talking together. I tried to scoot away and bat it away but it got right in my face and started chanting “Kill me, kill me, kill me, kill me” in my ear. It suddenly let go and started wailing like it was crying and thrashing around before it disappeared.

I have had a lot of dreams about being badly hurt in weird ways. One dream I cut my hand and a day later there were worms inside the wound. In another I dreamed that I saw my skin tearing off of my muscles.”


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