12 Sleep Paralysis Stories That Will Keep You Up At Night

Zipper Bro Films


“My sleep paralysis (SP) started to get painful one night after a horrible nightmare. I remember in the dream, I was in my old, white, beat up Cadillac. I wasn’t driving, I was in the passenger seat and in the back their was a child in a car seat. I have three brothers that I am significantly older than so I automatically assumed that it was one of them. I look back from the front seat to the child in the car seat, probably just to entertain it, as I would with any of my baby brothers, and there’s this baby I don’t know, just sitting there. Probably with the intentions of playing “peek-a-boo” or anything to make it smile, I get closer to the baby. Suddenly, this baby grabs me by the throat, hard. My body is immediately paralyzed, and the baby’s face turns into an extremely evil look. I imagine that demons look the way this baby suddenly did. As the baby holds me with its little arm, which seemed to be filled with raw strength, it clenches my throat even tighter, brings me close to its face, and with a sinister smile and the voice of the devil, it looks at me with these glowing red eyes and says, “I remember you.” I felt pure terror. To this day I have never felt more scared. I woke up and tried to forget what I just dreamed. But after that night, my SP experiences started to hurt.

The first time it hurt, it was a typical SP experience, I’m watching myself sleep, then the “earthquake” sound comes, then the shadowy figures yelling at the top of their lungs by my doorway appear. “Okay” I’m thinking, lets get this over with. I figured I would just wait it out, and let it pass. I immediately get this pain in my chest. I feel this pressure build, pushing down on it, like my body is being compressed. Its increasing and getting worse every second. I can’t escape it and I’m still paralyzed. “Fuck it” I thought, “Your ribs are all about to break and theres nothing you can do about it.” As I prepare for the fractures in my ribcage that I was sure was about to occur, the pressure is released. Relief. “Great, the SP is done for tonight.” Yet I was still paralyzed. I then feel this force that grabs my legs and is pulling me extremely fast out of my bed and out of my room in to darkness. I suddenly woke up, laying in bed, not having moved an inch.”




“Suddenly I will feel something clinging onto me and cuddle /spoon me with very heavy breathing behind my ear or if sometimes a shadowy monkey looking creature sits on my chest and at this point, i can not breathe or move. As i panic and try to struggle, normally the creature drags me under the bed.. And i try to struggle to get back on the bed, crawling on the floor while it stands and watches me. The funny part is that during the experience, the room is always as you had left it the night before- i could see my half empty cup of coffee, the plates, the junk exactly as i left them the night before. I would then immediately wake up and find myself on the bed and drift back to sleep after a few seconds like a hypnosis and the whole experience would repeat itself. Ive read many scientific theories about SP but none has explained why we always drift back to sleep immediately after for the horrific experience.”



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