12 Sleep Paralysis Stories That Will Keep You Up At Night

Zipper Bro Films


“I’ve had sleep paralysis ever since I was a teenager. The older I’ve gotten the more intense and realistic they have become. The most recent being this:

I am in bed, the room is dark and I am unable to move. I try to lift my arms or move my head or sit up and it’s impossible. The more I struggle the more intense the weight. I’m awake, I’m dead certain I’m awake, only I’m not. Everything in the “dream” is correct, its my bedroom, my bed, my armoire, my reading chair, even my dog curled up beside me… Everything is as it should be, but I can’t move. Then comes this feeling that I’m not alone, there’s something in the room with me, and it’s not good. I can’t see it, but I can feel it, standing in the corner staring at me, and it’s moving closer every second, slowly, but coming none the less. I’m horrified, the more I struggle the more I feel like I’m shackled to the bed. My dog isn’t responding at all, and the last thing I can think to do is to call for help. I live alone but I have to do something. This thing is moving closer to me and it’s starting to take shape; old, withered, dead, and it’s feeding off my fear. I open my mouth, I can feel the words moving on my lips, but nothing comes out. I scream for help… Nothing, again, nothing. This creature is at the foot of my bed, eyes burning red, I can smell it, this has to be real because you can’t smell in dreams, and I can hear it… Thick rasping breaths. As it reaches out for me I scream bloody murder a single word, MOM! Again I scream at the top of my lungs, MOM! I push with every ounce of my life, push out one last time MOM!!

As I push out that last scream I can feel my body waking up, and as I push, the scream becomes reality, and I am in my bed, dog completely freak out because I just screamed awake. I don’t know what causes this sleep disorder but it really scares the s**t out of me. Every time I’ve had one I can’t go back to sleep, I’ve even gotten up and gone to a different room because I’m completely terrified. I’ve seen the man twice, I’ve seen my curtains turn into hands, I’ve even seen my ex who passed away two years ago. It only happens once a month, sometimes twice… And I’m always screaming for my mom, which, after much effort, finally does wake me up.”




“I experienced an episode of sleep paralysis a while ago and I have been looking to share it with someone.

I was lying in bed and it was pitch black but there was a noise downstairs like soft footsteps. One of the lights turned on and I figured it was someone in my family coming to wake me up or something, so I just stayed in bed quiet and waited for them to come upstairs. The moment they stepped foot on the stairs I knew it was an intruder, it was just the way I heard the footsteps, slow and cautious like they were trying to be silent. I then saw their shadow moving up the stairs – I tried to call out, maybe they were someone in my family? Then I realised I had no voice! I could hear my heart begin to race, I could hear it inside my head, as the shadow crept up the stairs. I tried to jump out of my bed and charge the individual but I was paralysed!

Then the intruders footsteps and my heart beat were acting at the same time, and I seriously felt like I was going to die. I turned my head to see my killer and I believe it was a man but he was covered in darkness and he definitely had something in his right hand, like a gun. Then I woke up to the sound of my own heavy breathing.

It was such a frightening experience unlike I’ve ever felt before and I just felt like sharing it.”



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