Go gather as many Eggo waffles as you can, because the binge-fest is about to begin. After nearly 16 months of anticipation the long wait for season two of Stranger Things is finally coming to an end!
Set to hit Netflix on Oct. 27th, the Halloween-inspired second season will pick up about a year after the first left off. Eleven is still missing, the portal seems to remain wide open, Steve hasn’t removed the nails from his baseball bat, and poor Will Byers can’t stop drawing creepy pictures of what he sees in the shadows.
While we obviously don’t know exactly where the Duffer Brothers are planning to take us, the glimpses they’ve provided so far look promising. The latest trailer (fittingly released on Friday, Oct. 13th) made this new season look all the best kinds of spooky and answered one major question weíve been asking since the season one finale: Is Eleven alive?
It also raised dozens more, however: Is Will going to be okay? Will Nancy pick Jonathan or Steve? Should I cut my hair into an Eleven-esque shag?
The nine-episode season has some pretty big shoes to fill after the astounding success of season one, but something tells me that it will have very little trouble finding its own way. The triumphant and presumably bad-a** return of Eleven is just one of the things we can look forward to when streaming begins.
First of all, can we talk about the production value? Storyline aside, the Brothers Duff are detail-oriented geniuses; from the soundtrack to set design, everything, and I mean, everything, is absolutely spot-on. They set a real fine stage.
We’re also getting introduced to several new characters this season, including Joyce’s new love interest played by Sean Astin (of The Goonies and Lord of the Rings) fame. This season’s monsters also look to be bigger and badder than ever; the boundaries between the Upside Down and this world seem to be nearly non-existent; and Will is finally seeing a doctor about those slugs he’s been coughing up!
We know that Eleven finds her way out of the Upside Down eventually, but are we entirely sure that’s a good thing? Trevor Dueck at SportsBettingDime.com
doesn’t think we should dismiss the fan theory that Eleven is the real Demogorgon. She did disappear at the exact moment the apparent Demogorgon was defeated, after all. And though everyone’s favorite bestie won’t be returning, herself, the Duffer Brothers have confirmed that Barb will be a part of this on-going sci-fi-horror story. #JusticeForBarb marches on!
Thankfully, we don’t have much longer to wait before jumping right in and finding out just how much stranger things are going to get in Hawkins, Indiana.