Forever Bogus Podcast – End of the Year Round-Up

Welcome back to another installment of the Forever Bogus Podcast, “Where we’ve got nostalgia on tap.”

The best way to embrace the start of a new year, is to look back on the one that’s ending. Most times that might be hard, but this is 2020. While the year was fraught with many ups and downs there was one bright spot: the Forever Bogus Podcast returned!

On this end of the year round-up episode your main man B-Boy Bogus Bryce & your favorite rapper from the middle school lunch table, J-Dog, take a look back at some of their favorite moments in 2020…. From the standpoint of the Forever Bogus Podcast, that is. The show also takes a look into what the future has for it. There’s so much to get through and so little time. This isn’t the end! It’s the start of something spectacular, so listen up, listen in, be kind, rewind and staaaaaay BOGUS!


Bryce Shoemaker [Forever Bogus]

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Jayme Kilsby [Brainexploder]

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