Check Out the Trailer for the New Marvel Associated Movie ‘Venom’

Sony Pictures

This weekend the masses will go see what happens when Earth’s mightiest heroes meet Thanos in ‘Avengers: Infinity War’. It will be Marvel Studio’s 19th film in a decade, the second of three planned releases for 2018. No one can stop the house of mouse and their super hero division. Sony was a studio that at one time ruled over the comic book world. Sam Raimi’s Spider-man films were huge successes (mostly). However the 2010’s haven’t been kind to the Japanese media giant and their working on finding their place in this landscape. Their spider-man reboots had diminishing returns. The sinisters six & Black Cat/Silver Sable films are currently languishing indevelopments. The final insult was that last year Marvel’s prodigal son returned home in ‘Spider-man: Homecoming’ and found a renewed success.

But Sony is back & ready to re-enter the comic space with their own spider-man spinoff. Their ready to once again reveal Eddie Brock & Venom to the world. We already had a teaser for the new film a month ago. It was annoyingly vague. Tom Hardy’s accent seemed like an interesting choice and we didn’t get a look at Brock in all his symbiotic glory. That has all changed with this new trailer. Check it out below:

It definitely shows us Venom this time around. Although i’m nervous we’ll all be disappointed with the lack of full on symbiote suit in the final film. They’re suggesting a horrific atmosphere at times in this trailer and I think the marriage of horror and superhero could be a ton of fun. There’s good talent involved so hopefully this is just a case of bad trailers for a good film. At the very least we’ll all love the inevitable post-credit sequence that teases ‘Maximum Carnage’.

I also really love how this says “In association with Marvel” at the start of the trailer. It’s a lovely touch that shows Marvel is keeping this film at an arm’s distance and already preparing to forget this spin-off that can’t acknowledge what it’s spinning off from was a thing that happened. Venom opens on October 5, 2018 and stars Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams, Riz Ahmed, Woody Harrelson & Jenny Slate.

Are you excited for Venom? Do you think the film can work without acknowledging Spider-man? What is Tom Hardy’s accent? let us know in the comments and be sure to checkout our homepage and follow us on Facebook & Twitter.  Always check back with Boom Howdy for more movie news, reviews & podcasts!

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