Pokemon Go Takes On The Westboro Baptist Church

Thousands of US players have been running amok with their phones held high since Nintendo finally launched Pokemon Go last week, as they try to snag free digital items & currency at real-life locations that are identified as either gyms or PokéStops.

pokeup_02One of the most surprising gym locations amongst the thousands available to conquer is the Westboro Baptist Church compound in Topeka, Kansas.  You may remember this compound as being the home of the notoriously homophobic group that protests anything from Pride parades to rock concerts, and even funerals.


Well, it appears that a Clefairy, appropriately named “LoveIsLove” has virtually overtaken the compound, one of thousands of gyms in the Pokemon cyberworld.

You’d have to be uncomfortably close to the WBC to find it in the game, so we’d like to imagine the folks over at Planting Peace, the very same who opened the Equality House across the street from the church, are playing and maintaining control of the gym itself.


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