Death, Drugs and Robbery : The Life and Crimes of Pokémon GO

July 6th marked a huge day for Pokemon fans and the use of Augmented Reality gaming. Nintendo released Pokémon GO to the masses and has made a boatload of money from the new gaming app. But with it has come a slew of odd stories in such a short amount of time. From mistaken drug deals to finding real dead bodies things got weird quick.

I See Dead People, No Really.

This week a 19-year-old found more than just Pokemon during her hunt. She discovered a dead body in Riverton, Wyoming in the Big Wind River under a highway bridge.

From the Riverton Police Department and the Fremont County Sheriff’s Department:

“At this time the investigation is ongoing. Further details as to the circumstances surrounding the death will be released after preliminary autopsy results are received and we have a clearer picture of what occurred.”

“The death appears to be accidental in nature and possibly that of a drowning,” the press release mentions. “There is no evidence at this time that would indicate foul play. Evidence located at the scene has led investigators to believe the man went into the water at the location he was found.”

The person who reportedly found the body apparently told the local news station the following statement; “I was trying to get a Pokemon from a natural water resource.”

Then she found a dead body. YIKES!

Mistaken Drug Deal

A 40-year old Reddit User (SlothofDoom) found himself hunting for Pokémon at 3:00 AM. Why? Because why wouldn’t a 40-year old be doing this at 3:00 AM.

During this time he encountered ‘two sketchy looking dudes’ on his hunt.

“There is a little park a few blocks from me that had like three pokestops and a gym, so I wandered over there to see what the game could offer,” he explained.

“So I get there and wander around a little checking out the stops and rustling around in the tall grass, then decide to go a few blocks away to see a couple more stops when I hear from the darkness a ‘Yo, my man!’

“Turning, I see two sketchy looking dudes sitting on a bench in the dark. I must have walked right past them without noticing them. One of them waves, ‘My man, check over by the blue truck over there we got an onyx earlier.’

“So I wander over by the truck and sure enough there’s a f—–g Onyx there. Awesome. So I end up chatting with the guys for a bit, told ‘em where I got my Evee, they convinced me to join red team (no the bloods) when I hit level five so we could ‘lock s–t down” in the neighborhood.”

“Then the cop shows up…”

“Yeah, so it turns out two twenty-something black dudes and a 40-year-old white guy chilling in the park at 3am looks strange. It took a bit of talking to convince the cop we weren’t doing a drug deal, and a bit longer to explain the game. Then the cop downloaded the f—–g game on his phone and asked us how to get started.”



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