Pokemon Go Announced for Apple Watch

Announced at Apple’s livestreamed event today, Pokemon Go for Apple Watch is officially on the way.  The announcement was then followed by a staged demo, which showed what the app- once released- will be capable of on Apple’s smart watch.


PokeWatch_02The Apple Watch will be able to display several pieces of information – including how far you need to walk to hatch eggs and how much more XP you need to obtain to reach the next level. It also shows nearby Pokemon (if one of them appears, however, you’ll need to take your iPhone out to be able to capture it).


PokeWatch_04There will also be things you can do directly on the watch as well.  You’ll be able to do things like collect items from PokeStops, see the medals you’ve earned, and watch your eggs hatch.  Additionally, the app will keep track of your distance walked and calories burned.  It’s currently set to release by the end of the year.


PokeWatch_06Niantic CEO John Hanke has announced that Pokemon Go has been downloaded over 500 million times around the world, and players have collectively walked more than 4.6 billion kilometers. The Pokemon Go wearable band, which was supposed to release in July, launches later this month.

For more on Pokemon Go from around the world, check out our homepage here and follow us on Facebook & Twitter.  Don’t forget to check back with Boom Howdy for more up-to-date news, reviews & podcasts.

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