What If Nic Cage Was Cast in Game of Thrones?

What if Nic Cage was cast as some of your favorite Game of Throne characters? Male or female? It doesn’t matter! Why? Because Faceoff, that’s why! One of Nic Cage’s classic films involved him swapping faces with John Travolta. He who has no face is going to be soooo jealous!

So why can’t we have a little fun and see what it would be like if he swapped faces with a few cast members from Game of Thrones. Reddit user CarlosDanger100 used Photoshop to replace 25+ different characters’ faces, and the results are troubling.

Jon Snow

Bastard Son of Nic Cage? KILLING ME WON’T BRING BACK YOUR GODDAMN HONEY! – but the lady in red can bring Jon Snow back!

Tywin Lannister

A true ruler of the ‘throne.” Till’ death doo-doo us part.

Brienne of Tarth

nicolas-cage-of-thrones-game-5-5735cb6e5ccef__700Has the strength of 10 Nic Cage’s!


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