Pokémon fans were given a preview today of the new game from Nintendo 3DS, Pokémon Sun and Moon! The preview features six new Pokémon as well as the “Alola Forms” of existing Pokémon. The game is scheduled to be released worldwide on Nov. 18.
Some of your favorite species have adapted to the Alola region! The preview features new versions of; Exeggutor, Vulpix, Ninetales, Sandshrew and Sandslash. All of which have alternative types.
The Alola Exeggutor will be grass/dragon with a giraffe-like palm tree neck. Vulpix goes into a deep freeze going from fire to ice. Ninetales also switches teams going from ice to a fox like fairy. While Sandshrew and Sandlash are both ice and steel.
Check out the NEW Pokemon >
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