A Major Marvel Character Has Been Killed

Bruce Banner has been cured of changing into the Hulk for almost a year at this point. Disregarding this “fact”, both Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) and Tony Stark travel to his secret laboratory in order to confront him.

When asked to step outside,  Banner discovers an army of superheroes at his doorstep.  The vision is explained, and Bruce responds by asking if the plan is to either lock him up or “put him down.”

Stark divulges that they’re divided on what should be done and need more proof before reaching a decision.


Proof is indeed found.

Beast took the liberty of hacking into Banner’s computers while they were talking and evidence was discovered that Banner had been experimenting on himself with treated dead gamma cells, which causes an argument as Bruce tries to explain himself.

He is upset at the accusations, and when he begins to raise his voice in defense, action is taken.

3093809-arrowHawkeye admits to and turns himself in for killing Banner before he had the chance to turn into the Hulk.

At Hawkeye’s trial, he explains that Banner in fact asked him to do this. It is revealed that Banner approached him months before, and gave him what was needed to kill him if he began to transform again.

Banner knew Hawkeye was one of the very few people that could both kill him and eventually be able live with the fact that he did.

hulkrip_04Tony Stark, naturally, is angrier than ever before at this point.  He feels his friend and founding member of the Avengers, Bruce Banner, has been murdered.  His response to Captain Marvel: “Who’s next on your hit list?”

With the verdict for Hawkeye about to be delivered, the Marvel Universe watches on to see what will happen next. The next issue in the Civil War II saga will be released on July 27.

In other marvel news – It appears that a new face has taken up the mantle of Iron Man.

For more Marvel news, visit our homepage and keep checking back with Boom Howdy for more updates!

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