8 Comic Book Movies Made for Adults

Sin City

Robert Rodriguez is a fantastic unapologetic director, and when Sin City came out it was no surprise that he chose to leave in all of the nudity, sex and violence. This black and white film with a splash of color was mind blowing in itself with how it was shot. You felt like you were in the comic itself. Blood thirsty film goers definitely got there fill with Sin City


When Zack Snyder adapted Watchmen he went dark. Superheroes with real life problems, some even battling depression. The violent film is also companied with full frontal nudity and sex scenes. It’s not surprising that Snyder’s adaptation is dark and cynical. He showed superheroes dealing with real world problems while battling evil in a very grown up way.

American Splendor

American Splendor is the biopic of comic book writer Harvey Pekar brilliantly played by Paul Giamatti. This is a very thematic drama with no moments of violence or heroism. It’s about a man and the struggles of the real world. Really life topics that some deal with as adults; money, marriage, depression, illness and aging. It’s a great not so feel good film about a man who was part of a beloved American art form.

Honorable Mention: Super

While not adapted from a comic-book it definitely help set the tone when it came to Rated R comic films. Starring Rainn Wilson and Ellen Page as unconventional foul mouth “super-heroes.”

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