10 Things You Should Know About ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’

8.) Saw Gerrera and Darth Vader Have Something in Common

still_rogue_one_saw_guerraSaw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker) needs his suit to survive – just like Darth Vader. He is also the first character to make the transition from an animated Star Wars series (Clone Wars) to a live-action Star Wars film.

7.) K-2SO is the New C-3PO

One of the most entertaining aspects of the Star Wars universe are the droids. With the sad news that R2-D2 (Kenny Baker) passed away last week it left a void in the droid lineup. But it looks like K-2SO will be fun, witty and more agile counterpart to C-3PO. Visually, K-2SO is dull and not as shiny as his Star Wars predecessors but rather a more archetypical sci-fi robot, gunmetal grey and bipedal, tall enough to make the obvious Iron Giant comparisons relevant.

Voiced by Alan Tudyk of Firefly fame, K-2SO tells Rogue One’s protagonist, Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones), “The captain says you are a friend. I will not kill you.” It’s a jarring thing to hear from a Star Wars droid-ally: Can you imagine C-3PO threatening anyone’s life?

You can see on his shoulder that he use to be Imperial security robot that was a violent “enforcer.” Rebel pilot Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) reprogrammed him to side against the Empire, but it’s clear he still has dangerous capabilities.


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