E3 2018: Square Enix’s ‘Kingdom Hearts 3’ Release Date Finally Revealed

Kingdom Hearts
Square Enix

Today the world had prayer answered that has stemmed back to year 2005. The release of the third installment in the Kingdom Hearts Franchise. Kingdom Hearts

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3 was showcased today at E3 revealing the brand new world of Frozen to join the all new lineup of Tangled, Toy Story and Monster’s Inc. Kingdom Hearts 3 will released January 29th, 2019 breaking the promise made earlier this year of the already confirmed release year of 2018. Kingdom Hearts 3 will be made available on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

So what does this mean? With a confirmed release date fans can eagerly begin to expect more trailers and more information to be released on the game with a full list of worlds potentially coming soon. Knowing the timeline with this game gives us as the audience a good gauge as to where this game is at in it’s process. It seems to be nearing the end of production and will be put through testing and a polishing process over the next several months in order to make the scheduled release date early in 2019. With Kingdom Hearts 3 being released on Xbox One it does pose to be a solid step forward for Square Enix as the prior two episodic installments of both Kingdom Hearst 1&2 were made to be playstation exclusive. While Kingdom Hearts is no stranger to jumping platforms, having games be made for PSP, Nintendo DS, Gameboys and even our cell phones I am not too worried about their release of this game on Xbox One. It will open up a pretty big door to gain some new fans as some people may be die hard Xbox fans and never owned a play station of any kind.

I am excited for the release of this game having been a gigantic fan of the first two games as well as all the spin-offs. After viewing the trailer several times I was pleased with the tone and look of the game. Having a smile on my face the entire time. There is just something comforting hearing all of these voice actors playing the role of my child hood heroes.


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