Today we were blessed with the opportunity to get the first glimpse of Unravel Two. The multiplayer follow up to the 2016 indie puzzle platforming game. Upon first announcement of Unravel Two
I was blown away and intrigued at the idea of this game. With the recent success of indie platforming games like 2014’s child of light or 2017’s Cuphead it was only a matter of time before they hit the main stream and with Unravel Two shaping up to be one of the most talked about games in EA’s lineup it could turn out to be one of the most successful indie games in to be released. I never got around to playing the first game but I did watch several playthroughs of it online. Unravel Two
has shown us the addition of a second character which drastically changes the gameplay style as well as some animations having to widen the frame from the original to allow for both characters to move freely. With the addition of this second character we as the player are forced to think beyond just ourselves or our character. It’s a true co-op game requiring team work and strategies.
I have to say I was very impressed by the graphics the detail and attention to the backdrop in this game has proved to be spectacular so far. I was wildly impressed by the character design and the fluidity to how the yarn moved and flowed with the character. Another shining moment in this game’s reveal was it’s upbeat and positive tone. Having been a darker game in nature the first Unravel proved to gain some attention but it is always nice to see a different side to the characters we know and explore the world in a different light. I am very much looking forward to Unravel Two
and cannot wait to sit down in my living room playing it with my wife or a good friend.