So, while this trailer isn’t exactly the newest (it first popped up a few days back), it’s nonetheless worth your time. The new show, which will premiere exclusively on Amazon Prime Video, Hanna is interesting because it’s based upon the 2011 movie by Joe Wright. I’ll admit to being someone who really enjoyed that film, so seeing exactly where this expansion goes, is right up my alley. The trailer though? Well, take a look and see what you think.
It looks intriguing to say the least. The idea of a secretly trained CIA agent, who goes on the run in order to figure out who she is and where she comes, is perfect for a sprawling series. One presumably stacked with reveals, reversals and all kinds of craziness. The best thing about all this? You have a chance to see what its all a bout very soon. As in, after the Super Bowl (which may be right now, depending upon when you read this). That’s right, once the big game is done, you have 24-hours to head on over to this link and view the first episode in its entirety. After that, poof, you’ve gotta wait till March to watch the rest of season. Well, if you happen to have Amazon Prime video that is. Give it a watch and then come back to tell us what you think of Hana in the comments.