[Updated] Apparently The New ‘Saw’ Movie Will Star Chris Rock And….Samuel L. Jackson?

In May, Deadline had strange piece of movie news brake across the wire: Chris Rock had written a story to reboot the Saw franchise. Stranger yet, was that series mainstay Darren Lynn Bousman (Saw II-IV)would be stepping up to direct. There wasn’t much else to go on, other than Lionsgate was already setting up an October 23, 2020 release date. Now, as filming is set to start this week, Bloody Disgusting has an exclusive on what unlikely pair will be headlining the film.

If you read the headline, well, the cat’s out of the bag. Rock not only will be executive producing the film, with a “story by” credit, he’s also starring in the thing. Yet the most exciting news may be that he’s bringing Samuel L. Jackson along with him. One by themselves is cause for excitement. Both of them together, makes this an absolute “can’t miss” feature. The kind that will make a good dent at the box office, by attracting those who aren’t die-hard fans of the Saw films.

Besides those tidbits, there isn’t much else to go on, at this time. No word on if Tobin Bell is somehow involved, either. What we do know, is that the script comes from Jigsaw writers Pete Goldfinger and Josh Stolberg. Take that as you will. There’s sure to be a lot more news concerning the Saw reboot coming our way, very soon. Keep your eyes tuned to the site, for future updates. Till then, feel free to take to the comment section below and speculate on what this all could add up to. Also, if you haven’t already, be sure to catch Samuel L. Jackson in Spider-Man: Far From Home, currently in theaters.

[Update: 10:55am] The Playlist has now has an officially official update from Lionsgate, that the above is 100% true. There’s even another name joining the film, in Max Minghella, who directed this year’s Teen Spirit. Here’s a quote from Lionsgate’s Chairman, Joe Drake:

“We think Samuel L. Jackson and Chris Rock along with Max Minghella and Marisol Nichols make this film completely special in the Saw canon and we can’t wait to unleash this unexpected and sinister new story on fans of this franchise. This is next level of Saw on full tilt.”

As for who these actors will play? Yup, we know that too. Rock will play a detective, hot on the trail of Jigsaw or whatever killing is leaving behind a series of grizzly murders. Minghella will play his partner, while Nichols (Riverdale) will play their Captain. Jackson’s part is, wait for it, the father of Rock’s character. Who also somehow becomes embroiled in proceedings. So there you have it. Everything we know about the new Saw movie. Check back in roughly an hour for possibly even more updates.

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