New “Kong: Skull Island” Trailer Shows The Beast is Not Alone

Image Courtesy of Warner Bros

Someone get these mother f’n apes off my mother f’n island. Yes every time Samuel L. Jackson is in a movie we have to work that line in somehow. Check that off the list. Moving on…

The latest trailer for ‘Kong: Skull Island’ dropped and once again we see the enormous size of the beast better than ever before. But we see that Kong is not the only issue John Goodman and friends will have to deal with in the jungles. We see a bevy of beast that inhabit Skull Island and finally see how it got it’s name. Proving once and for all “This planet does not belong to us.”
still_skull_island1 still_skull_island2 still_skull_island3 still_skull_island4The film boast an all-star cast that includes; Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, John C. Riley, Brie Larson and John Goodman.

The film is set for a March 2017 release. Check out the trailer below.

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