More ‘Morbius’ News Incoming (Now With 100% Actual Content!)

Image Courtesy of Marvel Comics

If you saw our article from yesterday

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(which was updated hours later) concerning Sony’s upcoming Marvel Comics movie Morbius, you know there was a lack of concrete info in there. For whatever reason the studio was more than happy to say who was in the film, but nothing more. Even the initial photo tease of Jared Leto as the lead, was just his eyes and a clapperboard. Not the most encouraging development. Of course, in the intervening hours, The Hollywood Reporter put out a piece clearing things up. Let’s dive in, shall we?

First thing’s first, if you didn’t read the previous piece, you missed out on learning that Matt Smith, Jared Harris and Tyrese Gibson had joined the film. Though there was no indication as to what roles they’d play. Now at least, we can put names to faces. Tyrese, who was the last to join the production, will be playing an FBI agent in pursuit of Morbius.

The big news concerns Matt Smith (Doctor Who) who’s taking on the part of the film’s villain, Loxias Crown. The character is said to be Morbius’ best friend, also suffering from the same rare blood disease. In the comics, there’s an existing person named Crown (alias Hunger), who has enhanced abilities and Vampire-like qualities. No word on if the two are to be one and the same. The movie could of course play fast and loose with established mythology, leaving the chance it’s an amalgam of several people. Lastly, Harris will serve as Morbius’ mentor, though no name is give. Hey, it’s more than we had to go off of yesterday.

Filming started a week ago, in London and logic dictates we should be learning more about things in the coming weeks. The fact that the studio is so tight-lipped on details is slightly surprising. Most comic films are happy to dole out at least what part’s actors are playing. This could be part of some greater plan, but it’s really anyone’s guess. Given that the writers of Gods of Egypt and Dracula Untold are involved here, we’ll remain convinced that this is going to be a rather campy and ridiculous affair. Until someone tells us otherwise, that is. Seeing how much those elements helped turn Venom into a hit, it wouldn’t be the worst thing ever.

Make sure to bookmark this page, as more Morbius shenanigans and news could be right around the corner.

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