McG Talks Masters of the Universe Reboot

Since 1987, fans have clamored for a movie worthy of Eternia’s hero. It appears that our prayers to the Sorceress have been answered.

Although many names have previously been tied to the project, McG (Fastlane; Supernatural) has been tagged the new front runner for the rumored Masters of the Universe reboot. In a recent interview with IGN’s Jim Vejvoda, the director talked tone, casting, potential villains and more. The most titillating quote from the interview has caused a stir as McG stated:

Obviously, we’re all cognizant of what’s going on with Game of Thrones. It’s incredible. We’re cognizant of what’s going on in Guardians of the Galaxy. James Gunn’s doing a great job. We’re going to try to answer the call and take it higher.

The idea of a Masters of the Universe has always had potential. There were even bright spots in the original live action movie (most notably Frank Langela’s embodiment of Skeletor) but the execution was severely lacking. If McG is to build a proper Eternia, weave in nostalgic favorites as Man At Arms, Orko and Battle Cat, he’ll have to do it with a loving homage that satisfies fans of the series and brings new imaginings into the cannon.


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