Patty Jenkins Back for 'Wonder Woman' Sequel - Boom Howdy

Patty Jenkins Back for ‘Wonder Woman’ Sequel

Variety is reporting that the Wonder Woman sequel will be going forward with a familiar face at the helm. Patty Jenkins has inked a reported $8 Million dollar deal to write, direct & produce the next wonder woman film. She will be writing the film with Geoff Johns, the CCO of DC comics & co-runner of the DCEU. This deal will make Jenkins the highest paid female director of all time. The films is scheduled for release on December 13, 2019 & Gal Gadot is once again expected to star.

‘Wonder Woman’ came out in June and took the world by storm. First it received overwhelmingly positive reviews, which here to for was not a common occurrence for DC films. Then it opened to a $103.3 million weekend on its way to making $409 million domestic and becoming the biggest film of the summer. In one summer we saw the Princess of Themyscira go from being a cause of concern and hesitation for the studio to (hopefully) the blueprint for all DC films going forward.

I personally couldn’t be happier for Patty Jenkins, the fact that it took her 14 years to make another movie after monster is a crime. She fought hard for her career, and harder for her vision of what a Wonder Woman film could be. She deserves every bit of praise and reward she receives.

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