SDCC 2019: Pennywise is Back to Terrorize Derry in the ‘It: Chapter Two’ Trailer

it Chapter Two
Credit: New Line Cinema / Warner Bros

New Line Cinema and Warner Brothers held their third annual “ScareDiego” event at Comic-Con last night in a panel that was hosted by Conan O’Brien. The entire principal cast joined Conan including Jessica Chastain (Beverly), James McAvoy (Bill), Bill Hader (Richie), Jay Ryan (Ben), Isaiah Mustafa (Mike), James Ransone (Eddie) and Andy Bean (Stanley.) All on hand to showcase new clips and trailer for the upcoming sequel to the horror blockbuster from 2017.

Attendees were treated with 3 never-before-seen clips – each one was more intense than the last. While we cannot discuss the content of the clips lets just say you won’t be disappointed. There is even a nod to a classic Carpenter film.

During the discussion it was revealed that Jessica Chastain got up close and personal with a pool of blood. It was said that 4500 gallons of cold blood was used during filming and a lot of it ended up on Chastain. The original scene called for it to go up to her waist – but she is committed to her craft she said: “No, lets do this right and make Carrie on steroids!” That’s my kind of lady!

Chastain has a special relationship with director Andy Muschietti dating all the way back to his first film ‘Mama.’

But lets move on to the main event, the official trailer for ‘It: Chapter Two.” After the trailer screened to a packed house of fans last night during the event and the lights came up Conan said; “I have no skin in this game, that’s a great fucking trailer. For 27 years I had to act like I enjoyed trailers, that’s a great trailer.”

Here IT is for your viewing pleasure…




‘It: Chapter 2’ invades your minds and theaters, on September 9, 2019.

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