Gyllenhaal! Swinton! New Okja Images Released


Writer-director Bong Joon-ho (Snowpiercer) would prefer we don’t call his new movie, Okja, a “monster movie” since he says the titular creature is really “a very shy and introverted animal.  It’s a unique animal that we’ve not seen before.”  The movie follows a young girl working to prevent a multi-national company from kidnapping her best friend: a massive animal named “Okja.”

Okja is one of this summer’s most anticipated films; however, you won’t find it in theaters.  It premieres on Netflix exclusively on June 28th.  Following the release of some photos last December, a new batch of images is now available that feature stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Tilda Swinton and An Seo Hyun.  Shot in Vancouver last summer, the movie also stars Giancarlo Esposito, Paul Dano, Steven Yeun and Lily Collins.

An Seo Hyun plays Mija, caretaker and constant companion to Okja:

Jake Gyllenhaal plays Mirando Corporation employee, TV personality and zoologist Dr. Johnny Wilcox:

Tilda Swinton plays CEO Lucy Mirando, who’s in the midst of a rebranding campaign:

Thanks to EW and Collider for parts of this story.

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