The Guys at Pied Piper Are Changing the World in the Silicon Valley Season 4

What makes each season of Pied Piper great? The humor, characters and comedic timing? Yes. But also the way they write in the ups and downs of the company into the story line. Moving on from one project and conundrum to the next seamlessly and keeping your attention. They left us on a cliffhanger once again in season 3 with a few lies about Daily Active Users and new code to build their way out of a hole and keep Pied Piper

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alive. It looks like Haley Joel Osmet will be making a cameo appearance in Season 4 as well.

So what’s next for them? Richard Hendricks wants to build a new internet. Say what!? What are the rules of Silicon Valley? Don’t sleep. Innovate. Sell out? Not this season! Check out the new teaser trailer below then check out season 4 on April 24th on HBO!

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