‘Ghostbusters’ 2020 Sequel is Bringing Back the Original Cast

Credit: Columbia Pictures

The next Ghostbusters film may be introducing a new crew of ghost hunters but cameos from the original cast is always welcome. Not only will the original cast of Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, and Bill Murray be invovled in some way, but Sigourney Weaver will also be making an appearance.

These rumors were confirmed at Wizard World when Jason Reitman (son of Ivan Reitman) appeared at a panel to talk about his new movie and had this to say;

“Sigourney has read the screenplay…Dan has read it…Ernie’s read the script…Bill Murray has read the script.”

Further fueling the rumors that the original 1984 cast will be in the 2020 sequel. No word yet on if they will reprise their original roles or just make a cameo as a new character. I think it would be hard to bring them all back to the franchise and not have them play their original characters – but that did happen in the 2016 film. So who knows.

Reitman wasn’t done dropping some more knowledge about the 2020 film. Saying “all the originals” and people who worked on the original movie to form an “advisory board of people who worked on the original film” to make sure they get Ghostbusters right. “We wanted to make a love letter to the original movie,” Reitman said.

We saw a teaser trailer that got everyone hyped but then the news was dropped that it would be a much younger group of Ghostbusters and people become luke warm to the idea. But Rietman had a different vision when he took on the next gen of ghost hunters.

“This character came to me, and she was a 12-year-old girl. And I don’t know who she was or why she popped into my head, but I saw her with a proton pack on her back, and the story began to form in my head…over many years. And it started to grow and all of a sudden, it was a family. And I knew this was a movie I needed to write and I reached out to my writing parter Gil Kenan, and we sat down and started writing this movie.”

Finn Wolfhard (Stranger Things), Carrie Coon (Gone Girl), and Mckenna Grace (Gifted) have been announced to join the new cast. While I don’t love this idea, I’m willing to see where it goes and will be eagerly awaiting the official trailer.


Source: Slash Film

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