Looks Like There’s One Final Final ‘Avengers: Endgame’ For You To Watch

Avengers: Endgame
Image Courtesy of Marvel Studios/ Disney

We’re just 10 days away from the biggest film release this year. You know what movie we mean. Avengers: Endgame is threatening to decimate any and all previously set box office records. So it makes sense that Disney and Marvel want to take every opportunity to remind you it exists. Case in point, here’s one last last, probably final (but who knows) trailer, to get you sufficiently amped-up. One that looks to the past, in anticipation of this massive three hour plus outing.

That certainly is rather exciting. It’s hard not to continually bring up what a major feat this all is. Twenty-two films, in a little over a decade. One final movie to bring to a close this giant chapter of cinema history. What started out small in 2008, has gone on to be an absolute juggernaut, in terms of cultural appeal, as well a cash cow.

In the footage we get a sizzle reel of everything that came before. Leading up to a scant few moments of new stuff. Yeah, it’s largely fluff, but boy if they don’t sell it well. How many people are collectively losing their minds, at the sight of those fists in a circle? Ok, it’s mostly the image of Rocket reaching up in that shot, that will get people, but still!

If for some reason you’re just stumbling into all this just now, you still have time to watch every single Marvel Cinematic Universe feature, before Endgame comes out. Some people are even crazy enough to subject themselves to massive marathons! We wish them well. Avengers: Endgame hits theaters on April 26. Just as soon as the review embargo lifts, you can expect to find our sprawling (possibly emotional) review, here on the site.

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