Family Guy Pays Tribute to the Late Great Adam West

The late legendary actor Adam West was best known for his role as Batman in the 1960’s TV series, but many knew and loved him for his role as Mayor Adam West on Fox’s Family Guy.  Following West’s passing in June, Fox & Family Guy have now released a new video that highlights many of Mayor West’s best and most ridiculous moments from throughout the series’ history.

West appeared in more than 100 episodes of Family Guy, with his first appearance coming in the Season 2 episode “Fifteen Minutes of Shame.”  Mayor West was one of the most absurd characters on the show and it was always a treat to see what he would do next.

We’ll miss you dearly. Quahog couldn’t have had a better mayor. We couldn’t have had a better friend,” (via Entertainment Weekly).

West recorded lines for five more Family Guy episodes before his passing, and these episodes will air as planned. As of this moment the show’s producers have not yet determined what will happen to the Mayor West character going forward.

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