Could Eddie Murphy Draw Oscar Buzz as ‘Mr. Church’?

Cinelou Films

MR. CHURCH tells the story of a unique friendship that develops when a little girl and her dying mother meet a talented cook—Henry Joseph Church. What begins as a 6-month arrangement ends up enduring for 15 years and creates a bond that lasts forever.

Set 1965 Los Angeles, Mr. Church begins with a stranger arriving on the doorstep of 10-year-old CHARLOTTE “CHARLIE” BRODY and her single mother MARIE BRODY (40), who is battling breast cancer. They soon learn that the quiet man, HENRY CHURCH (40), has been hired by Marie’s recently deceased former lover to cook for them and help maintain the household. As Mr. Church’s time with the Brodys extends from months into years, he becomes a father figure for Charlie during her formative years, nurturing her love of literature and making a lasting impact on her life. Even as Mr. Church tries to keep his own life separate from the Brodys, he eventually learns that the connection he feels to Charlie is what family is all about.

This could be the film to bring Eddie Murphy back into the spotlight and even get some Oscar buzz for this dramatic role. I don’t know if Hollywood gave up on Murphy or if he just wanted to take a break but we definately need more films with Murphy playing the lead. Hopefully this will be the first of many more to come!


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