Chris Hemsworth Is Getting Ready To Let Hulkamania Run Wild On Netflix

Hemsworth Hulk Hogan
Image Courtesy of 20th Century Fox

Life is full of simple pleasures. Good coffee in the morning. The slow roll in of flowers in the spring. And bizarre biopic casting news. If the last one threw you, it’s because it’s not something you normally think about.  When someone is cast to play a historical figure, icon, celebrity or infamous character, you can squint and see it. Or the actor cast in said role is so good a chameleon you don’t think twice about it. Well, step aside Joseph Fiennes playing Michael Jackson (a real thing), as we’ve got a doozy on our hands. The Hollywood Reporter broke the news earlier today that Chris Hemsworth is getting ready to lace up some leather boots, tie a bandana and don the all to familiar red and yellow, playing Hulk Hogan in an up coming movie.

The film, which is circling a home on Netflix, will be Todd Phillips next directing gig, after Joker. He’ll be bringing along one of the scribes of that film, Scott Silver, as well as John Pollono (Stronger) to handle script duties. The logline says the film “will focus on his rise and is described as an origin story of the Hulkster and Hulkamania.

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” A deal has supposedly been in the works for months and has numerous names attached on the producing side of things. Phillips and Bradley Cooper’s company Joint Effort is involved, as well as former WCW, WWE and TNA figuire, Eric Bischoff. The Hulkster himself (real name Terry Bollea) will be involved as a consultant and executive producer.

This whole thing sounds wild. Anyone who has followed the exploits surrounding Hogan over the decade, knows things haven’t been sunshine and roses. Reality TV, sex tapes, Gawker, documentaries, firings, apology tours. There’s been a lot, most of which doesn’t surround wrestling and none of which will make it into the film. In all likelihood, the film with be a giant nostalgia fest, to help repair a damaged image. It may even be good. A notion that’s as welcomed, as it is weird to say. Placing Hemsworth at the center of it all feels a little strange. But if there’s one thing the (soon to be ex) God of Thunder has taught us, it’s not to underestimate him.

What do you make of this? Are you excited to see Hemsworth step inside the squared circle and recreate some of Hulk Hogan’s most memorable moments? What other former wrestlers would you like to see a movie made about? Let us know down in the comments. Personally we’d like to see a Macho Man or Dusty Rhodes flick. Speaking of which, wasn’t an Andre The Giant film supposedly in the works. Get on it people! There’s literally nothing else know about the film at this time. Zilch. Nada. The moment we find out more, you’ll be the first we tell. Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long to get a glorious photo of a balding, handlebar mustached Hemsworth, circa 1985. Let me tell you something brother, it’ll be an image none of us will ever forget.

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