The Weirdest Crossover Ever Forms The Basis For The New ‘Game of Thrones’ Trailer

Bud Light
Image Courtesy of HBO/ Anheuser-Busch Companies, LLC

When it comes to the Super Bowl, the trailers that we get are really small snippets. Never really something of substance or interest. They’re fun but time wasters more than anything. The commercials are where it’s really at. Mixing guest stars and weird ideas, good commercials are talked about for the rest of the year. Then the following happened…

No, you don’t need to rub your eyes or count the number of beers and wings you’ve consumed, you are seeing things correctly. In a move that only the smartest of pontificators could have expected, Bud Light has teamed up with HBO to celebrate the final season of Game of Thrones. It’s ridiculous, overlong, violent and only has the smallest hint of dragons. So, it matches up perfectly with the how. In all honesty, this seems like the simplest idea possible and executed so well. What it tells us about the actual final slate of episodes for the show, is what you’d expect: nada. But hey, you had a good laugh and that’s what matters, right?

Game of Thrones Bud Light
Image Courtesy of HBO/ Anheuser-Busch Companies, LLC
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