5 Blonde Bombshells From the Alfred Hitchcock Beauty Salon

If you hear the term, “The Hitchcock Blonde,” it should conjure images of Grace Kelly, Tippi Hedren or Janet Leigh. During his interviews with Francois Truffaut, the great director of Rear Window, The Birds and Psycho, explained his preference for a certain kind of actress whose sex appeal is “indirect.” “You know why I favor sophisticated blondes in any films?” he asked. “We’re after the drawing-room type, the real ladies, who become whores once they’re in the bedroom.”

In Paul Copperwaite’s tongue-in-cheek book, “Movie Charts: Comedy Graphs of the Films You Love”, the author takes “The Hitchcock Blonde” as inspiration to imagine that if Alfred Hitchcock operated a beauty salon, he might offer a series of summer specials. With his simple list as our own inspiration, here are five bargains currently being offered in Alfred Hitchcock’s Beauty Salon, and one that’s not…

5 Ash Blonde Full Dye

Marnie-Dinner-SuitThen: Tippi Hedren in Marnie

mulholland drive 2Now: Naomi Watts in Mulholland Drive

4 Honey Blonde Highlights

dorisdaygraysuit_themanwhoknewtoomuch56Then: Doris Day in The Man Who Knew Too Much

nicole-kidman-hot-the-paperboyNow: Nicole Kidman in The Paperboy


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