New Faces. New Places. New Times. That’s how the “trailer” starts for the newest season of ‘Doctor Who.’ I stress the quotation marks there, as this footage comes in just at under a minute. That doesn’t mean it won’t bring a giant, goofy, toothy smile to your face! Don’t believe us? Then take a look below!
I don’t care if that’s only a tiny tiny peak at what’s in store, it looks delightful and can’t get here soon enough. New showrunner Chris Chibnall has his work cut out for him and it’s anyone’s guess as to how insane (or whimsical) the show may be, but when has that ever stopped loyal Whovians before.
If there’s one big take away from the scant amount of footage, it’s that Jodie Whittaker is having a ball. The 3 companions thing, though, that seems a tad odd. One of them is likely to throw in the towel or get lost in time Midway through the first couple of episodes. I mean, that’s just law of averages. As long as each of them has their own distinct identity and don’t meet the kinds of fates that befell companions in the Stevn Moffat run, then all the better.
We’re still a bit off until the new season hits the airwaves, but we’ll update you all accordingly, as new developments arrive. For now though, we turn it to you, the readers. Do you like the tone and vibe given off by the new footage? What about the more futuristic, less steampunk update to the sonic screwdriver. Plus or Minus? Any guesses or hopes as to special guests revamped older foes? Also, are we ever going to get full resolution on the Valeyard nonsense? Either way, the premiere will be upon us soon enough, with “fall” right around the corner.