SXSW: “The Transfiguration” is an Unconventional Slow Burn Vampire Film


The Transfiguration was an official selection at the Cannes Film Festival, writer/director Michael O’Shea’s debut feature The Transfiguration follows troubled teen Milo who hides behind his fascination with vampire lore. When he meets the equally alienated Sophie, the two form a bond that begins to challenge Milo’s dark obsession, blurring his fantasy into reality. A chilling portrait of violence, The Transfiguration is a slow burn atmospheric thriller set against the grit of New York City.

Check out the trailer below along with screening times for SXSW.

March 10th, Alamo Lamar A, 9:30pm
March 13th, Alamo Ritz 1, 9:45pm
March 17th, Alamo Ritz 2, 2:15pm

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