The Glorious Highs & Ridiculous Lows of American Horror Story

Although F/X is endlessly promoting the mysterious sixth season of American Horror Story that begins September 14, there’s a general feeling in the air that the show has seen its best days.  In its first five seasons, it reached glorious highs and ridiculous lows, sometimes during the same season.  It’s inconsistent at best.  Looking back, here is our ranking of the first five seasons, from worst to best, including some of the aforementioned highs and lows.

5.) Coven (Season 3, 2013)

American Horror Story castCoven takes place in New Orleans in 2013 and follows the descendants of witches who survived the Salem Witch Trials.  It features a battle between the “Supreme” witch, Fiona Goode (Jessica Lange) and Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett).

High = The immortal, decapitated slave-torturer Delphine LaLaurie (Kathy Bates) is forced to watch Roots, but attempts to drown it out by singing “Dixie.”

Low = Spalding invites Madison’s (Emma Roberts) corpse to his formal doll tea parties.  At one point, he accidentally rips off her arm.

4.) Hotel (Season 5, 2015)

hotelHotel takes place in Los Angeles in 2015 and follows the residents of the retro Hotel Cortez, which was built to become a torture chamber.  It features a battle between 111-year old vampire Elizabeth Johnson (Lady Gaga) and vengeful former lover Ramona Royale (Angela Bassett).

High =After having a drug-fueled threesome, Sally (Sarah Paulson) sews herself to a couple to stop them from ever leaving her.  (When the pair overdoses, she’s stuck to them for days.)

Low = The Hotel Cortez hosts a dinner party for deceased serial killers, including Richard Ramierez, Aileen Wuornos, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer and the Zodiac Killer.


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