Netflix Gives Us Another Glimpse at “Stranger Things” Season 2 With New Photos


During the Super Bowl fans of the Netflix streaming series Stranger Things got a taste of what’s to come in season 2 of the breakout 2016 hit. What did we learn from the teasers? Episode names that lend themselves toward some interesting episodes. “Mad Max” and “Halloween” were just a couple that piqued my interests. Now we have a few more photos to wet our appetite for all things strange.

Joyce (Winona Ryder) continues to look very concerned with Will’s demeanor that seemed to be more than a bit off kilter the last time we saw him in season 1 after returning from the upside down. Also it appears Ryder loves method acting because after seeing the many faces of Winona I’m not sure if Joyce is just a character anymore (we love you Winona).

Will probably has had some trouble adapting to going back to school and being amongst his peers after living in the Upside Down for a few weeks. The real question is what did he bring back with him?
Nancy and Johnathan appear to be getting cozy again and going on more terrifying adventures with each other. Could this lead to a season 2 romance? Or will she keep dating mouth breathers? Guess we’ll find out.

We can all be confident when Chief Hopper is on the case. The question is what exactly is he looking for this time?

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Finally we get to see the gang sporting their Ghostbusters costumes again as we did in the previous teaser photo and in the Super Bowl teaser. Getting a sneak peak at the episode titled “Halloween.” Aptly titled considering we can expect series 2 to come back on Halloween 2017.

Start planning your Stranger Things Halloween parties now. Until then you can relive the teaser trailer below!

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