What Happened to “The Strangers” Sequel?

Rogue Pictures

Bryan Bertino’s The Strangers was one of the best horror films in the last decade. It played on atmospheric fear and isolation terror better than many films in recent history. Playing on real life fears and based on a true story to boot. Throw in some creepy mask and a slow burn that leaves you on the edge of your seat and you have a true modern classic.

Fans were teased with a sequel for years now – even hearing that the film had partially been shot when the rights were owned by Relativity Media. Shortly after the company filed for bankruptcy and the sequel was left in limbo much like the studio. So where did that leave die hard fans of The Strangers? Left wanting more.

Rumors have trickled in over the years the backdrop for the next film would take place in a trailer park and Liv Tyler was set to return for a small role. That has yet to be confirmed but sources close to the project say it’s a real possibility. One thing I hope they keep consistent is bringing back the actors that played the masked murders. Far to often actors that dawn a creepy mask get replaced (except Freddy) and I for one would love to see the original trio come back for a second run!

It appears that The Fyzz Facility may have saved the sequel from purgatory when they recently added The Strangers 2 to their upcoming projects and list it in development. It’s a long overdue announcement for a film that has just as much potential as the first installment. Check out the official release from The Fyzz Facility below.

Just days after the events of the first film, recently bereaved parents and their young son drive home from their daughter’s funeral. Along the way they encounter a trio of familiar sadists who have taken their killing spree to new heights. Set against the backdrop of a deserted trailer park the family find themselves entrapped within the confines of THE STRANGERS choosing. Can they last the night?

THE STRANGERS 2 is based on a screenplay from Bryan Bertino the film is due to be directed by Johannes Roberts. The Fyzz Facility Pictures Wayne Marc Godfrey, Robert Jones, James Harris

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and Mark Lane are producing.

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