Fan Theory: The New “Halloween” Movie Will Have a Crossover with “Vice Principals”

If any of you are fans of HBO’s Vice Principals you know the last episode of season one takes a nose dive into a dark place. For those that haven’t seen season one stop reading now because spoilers are ahead.

The last image we see of Neal Gamby is him laying down in a parking lot have being shot while his car is in flames. Dark stuff. Let’s back up for a second. McBride plays Neal Gamby, a miserable Vice Principal whose off again on again feud with students, his fella Vice Principal and current Principal leads to an emotional roller coaster of a dark comedy.

See how dark the end of Vice Principals gets it’s hard to imagine it gets any darker. But lets imagine for a second it does. Not only does it get darker but perhaps there is a nod we haven’t seen that could be revealed with the upcoming Halloween film. What the F am I talking about? Fair question.

News broke last week that Blumhouse would be producing a new Halloween that would feature writer/director David Gordon Green and co-writer Danny McBride. Fans immediately either loved this or hated it. McBride is known for his raunchy humor but how will that translate to the Halloween franchise? It can’t be any worse than Rob Zombie’s first attempt. In fact I assume it will be much better and fans will be pleasantly surprised.

How in the world could Vice Principals and Halloween be connected? High school setting. Laurie Strode relocation program to escape her psychotic brother Michael in Haddonfield. Revenge. In that order. (Below: What he might look like today)

Let’s for a moment watch Vice Principals with the notion there are scenes each episodes we aren’t seeing. Perhaps from someone else’s point of view. The high school janitor. Quietly in the background of the school doing a thankless job and blending in. Watching. Waiting. A janitor named Michael. Already dressed for the part he can bath in the high school shower. Eat food from the cafeteria. Living in the woods on an old mattress that the teachers frequent during smoke breaks.  All while observing Laurie who joined the witness relocation program years ago and is now known as Amanda Snodgrass. Neal Gamby’s love interest.

Michael has been mopping floors and observing Gamby and Snodgrass from a far. When he sees they are becoming close to one another Michael gets jealous and decides to intervene.

Smash cut to Gamby laying face up bleeding out in the high school parking lot. Pan over to the bushes by the high school to see a bearded man in overalls peering from the bushes. Is this theory insane? Probably so. But is it really anymore insane than a 21 Jump Street / Men in Black crossover? No way. In many ways my theory is plausible – or at least has potential for an unintentional nod to each show in both properties.

Breaking away from some fun theory for a second and back to the news about McBride’s Halloween film – John Carpenter wants to get involved. Holy shit guys! He was not only excited by the potential of having McBride give his take on the franchise he gave birth to but may also do the score for the film. The new Halloween film would be a direct sequel to Halloween II (1981) and be a true follow-up to the film. No word yet on what the film will be called but, it could be the missing Halloween III film we never truly got. Not to take anything away from Silver Shamrocks because lets be honest that gave us some great visual’s and was a fun film all on it’s own.

I for one can’t wait to see what McBride and his team can do with the franchise. What do you guys think? Sound off in the comment section below.

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