Netflix has been killing it recently when it comes to scary stories and carefully concealed creepiness. In early October, the streaming service released The Haunting of Hill House, which not only captivated audiences looking for a pre-Halloween thrill but also upped the ante when it comes to the rewatch value. Following the initial release of Hill House, it was discovered by keen-eyed viewers that the show’s makers had hidden dozens of terrifying ghosts in the background of every episode – many of which we all missed on our first watch of the show.
Then, as Halloween drew ever nearer, Netflix dropped the entire first season of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, a reimagining of the Archie comic franchise that may or may not be connected to their other series, Riverdale. It was clear from the beginning that this new Sabrina was heavily influenced by the occult and mysticism, what with all the talk of witches, warlocks, witch hunters, magic and Satan. However, it recently came to light that the story of Sabrina was far more influenced by these elements than we could have imagined.

A Tale of Tarot Readings
According to an article published by IGN, the story of Sabrina was heavily influenced by tarot readings conducted by Netflix’s production designer Lisa Soper. Over the last few decades, tarot readings have regained popularity among people searching for answers, creativity, and guidance, with everything from huge conventions to online sites being dedicated to the practice.
Soper, a practicing Pagan, made a point of conducting tarot readings on all characters in Sabrina to really see the visual allegories of their story. Here’s what those readings had to say, according to Soper:

Sabrina – The Magician: In tarot, The Magician represents the ability to tap into your full potential, without any limitations or hesitations. However, it can also mean a big decision or transition is about to occur. This is clearly true for Sabrina, who must make life-changing decisions almost every episode.
Harvey – The Fool: Though Harvey Kinkle is by no means a complete idiot, he is naive to the real world in which he finds himself in. He is also Sabrina’s primary link to the human world, a constant force that reminds Sabrina continually of the merits of being human, despite the fact we may not know everything.
Roz – The Sun: This one is quite obvious really, especially if you’re a tarot reader. Roz is by far the most insightful character in Sabrina, in more ways than one, and The Sun represents harmony, forward momentum, and good fortune.

Susie – The Wheel of Fortune: Susie is a dynamic character, but when it comes to her path things are a little vague. All we know is that whatever happens with Susie, the result is sure to be absolutely massive. This is pretty much what The Wheel of Fortune card signifies as well.
Ambrose – The Hermit: Well, yeah, we think this one doesn’t require too much explanation.
Aunt Hilda – The Star: There’s no denying it; Aunt Hilda is a sweet baby angel, but she also represents a force of Mother Nature herself. She is always causing life and growth to occur and is an inspiration to all of those around her.
Aunt Zelda – The Moon: While Hilda is The Star, her sister is The Moon. She is strong, powerful, regal, and yet there is a clear element of sadness in her soul.

Madam Satan – The Tower: Finally, we have Madam Satan. Like The Tower, she brings danger, destruction, chaos and yet liberation all at the same time. As Soper explains: “I read her card as the tower because Madam Satan is the definition of something wicked this way comes.”