10 Horror Films to Watch During Your Halloween Party

4. Wolfcop


This is a drinking game waiting to happen. It features an alcoholic cop that blacks out and wakes up in unfamiliar surroundings, and crime scenes seem oddly familiar when the full moon is out. It’s exactly what it sounds like. Wolf + Cop = Comedy. It’s a crazy combo and a helluva good time. Another Wolfcop is the follow up to the original and is currently making the rounds at film festivals (Fantastic Fest)

3. Halloween (1978)


I mean, it’s called Halloween. If that wasn’t enough William Shatner has never been more scary. Say what? That’s right the iconic mask that Michael Myers AKA The Shape wears in Halloween is actually a William Shatner Captain Kirk mask turned inside out and void of color and expression. It’s “Totally” creepy and the film is a must at your party. One of John Carpenter’s classic films that inspired many modern day horror films.


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