Enter to Win an Exclusive ‘The Snowman’ Prize Pack

Universal Pictures

You Could Have Saved Her I Gave You All The Clues!

The Snowman, a terrifying thriller based on the novel by Jo Nesbø is being released on Oct 19th. A sociopath who calls himself “The Snowman Killer” has targeted the one person for whom he wants to showoff his methodical, unthinkable skills: the lead investigator of an elite crime squad. With cunningly simplistic baits, he begs to have a worthy opponent to play his sick game.

To celebrate the release of this terrifying thriller starring Michael Fassbender and Rebecca Ferguson we have a Snowman Killer giveaway for our readers.

For a chance to win take the “Help Harry Hole Find The Snowman Killer QUIZ” and tag us on Twitter and Facebook @BoomHowdy for a chance to win the limited edition The Snowman Prize Pack.


1 – Limited Edition Snowman Plush Doll: This limited edition Snowman plush is only available via this promotion and has a run of 200 pieces worldwide. It is a replica of the killer’s Snowman and features a detachable head and the Snowman logo on the bottom.

1 – The Snowman Official Promo Shirt – An official promo T-Shirt featuring The Snowman logo on the front and the signature design on the back.

1 – Replica Snowman Killer Letter – A replica of the Snowman killer’s note, sealed.

Contest Rules: The prize will be sent via FedEx or USPS. No P.O. Boxes please. Please note that the assets included within this message were delivered to you to promote Universal Studios, The Snowman. Any actions (including contest and competitions) that you complete with the provided assets are your liability, and should comply with both local and international laws. Also, please remember to disclose that you are working with Universal Studios, The Snowman, or that Universal Studios, The Snowman supplied these materials to you if required by local law.

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