CLOSED: SDCC Pennywise “IT” We Float VHS Prize Pack

Warner Brothers

Couldn’t join our Pennywise scavenger hunt at San Diego Comic-Con? You may have missed out on the con but we are bringing the contest to you by giving you a chance to float too! To celebrate the release of the new trailer we are giving away our limited edition “IT” VHS pack ripped straight from the 80’s.

For a chance to win an “IT” VHS Pack tell us your favorite Stephen King character the comment section below. Be sure to include your email address so we can contact you in case you win. Good luck!

Contest ends August 2, 2017

Contest Rules: Only one entry per household. Must be over 18 years old to enter and live within the U.S. Email address is required to contact that winner but will not be sold or solicited. Only used for contest purposes.

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