Take A Look At This Trailer For Festival Favorite ‘Cam’

Image Courtesy of Netflix

Netflix catches flack at times, for the films it picks up randomly and puts out on its service. Sometimes it’s  because the film just isn’t very good. Other times they’re taking a chance on a film that garnered a lot of attention at film festivals, but isn’t primed for traditional release. That second example is be coming more and more frequent, giving films that may languish in obscurity, a chance to be seen by as many people as possible. Yesterday they put out a trailer for one of their latest acquisitions, a film that is very much worth your time, Cam.

Warning: Some content here may deemed slightly NSFW.

I saw Cam at Fantastic Fest back in September and can’t sing its praises enough. Mixing elements of Hitchcock, Cronenberg and Lynch into a potent techno-thriller. One that heralds the arrival of two individuals you’re sure to hear about for years to come. That’s no faint praise. Isa Mazzei and Daniel Goldhaber have made an assured debut, thanks to their undeniable talents. It also features one of the years best performances, from Madeline Brewer (The Handmaid’s Tale).

Here’s the short and succinct official synopsis, straight from Netflix:

“After a look-alike takes over her account, a cam girl with a growing fan base sets out to identify the mysterious culprit and reclaim her own identity.”

The film is lean, making a dense subject easily understandable to someone who knows nothing about it. Delving into a weird dark web questioning identity, desire for success and dangers in the internet age, you won’t want to miss it. Need further convincing? Then give our review of the film a quick read here.

Cam hits Netflix on November 16th, which is right around the comer. Make sure to give it a watch and tell us what you thought. We guarantee it’s sure to start many a discussion.

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