Star Wars Rogue One Character Names Revealed in Upcoming Book

Spoiler lie ahead! Ever since the end credits rolled for ‘Star Wars: A Force Awakens’ fans have been sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for the next trailer in the newly rebooted Star Wars universe. While the recent trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story gave us the first look at the upcoming Star Wars spinoff, but there is still plenty of mystery about the film. A few more details have been revealed in a preview for the upcoming book Rogue One: A Star Wars Story: The Official Visual Story Guide, including character names and some of ships that will appear. We have a few of the thumbnails below that give us a lot more detail into the Rogue force!

The guide reveals the names of the mercenaries who are tasked with capturing the plans for the Death Star.

  • Felicity Jones plays Jyn Erso, a gifted soldier and warrior.
  • Diego Luna plays Captain Cassian Andor, an officer in the Rebel Alliance
  • Jiang Wen plays Baze, a freelance assassin
  • Alan Tudyk plays the CGI figure K-250, a Vollstreckerdroide and evidently an imperial model, but teams up with the rebels.
  • Riz Ahmed plays Bodhi, a rebel soldier.
  • Pao, an alien who is described as “fierce warrior”.
  • Donnie Yen plays Chirrut, a spiritual warrior.
  • Bistan, another alien who is described as “fierce warrior”.
  • Ben Mendelssohn as director Krennic, the military director of the Empire, to defend the Galactic Empire against the theft of Mission rebels.

Elsewhere, the book showcases new variations on familiar ships from the Star Wars universe that are seen pictured above. There’s the Imperial TIE Striker and a sleek Rebel Starfighter, plus old favourites such as the AT-AT Walkers glimpsed in the trailer. Darth Vadar also appears on one page, suggesting that we may see the infamous Sith Lord in the movie.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is directed by Gareth Edwards (GODZILLA, MONSTERS), and comes to cinemas on December 16, 2016. I’m super pumped to see what Gareth Edwards can do with the Star Wars Universe. ‘Godzilla’ fell a bit flat for me but he is still a great filmmaker with a lot of potential to play in a space that has already been rebooted with the gritty look and feel of the original universe. December can’t get here soon enough!

Source: GameSpot

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