Let’s Play a Game – Lionsgate Releases Official “Jigsaw” Trailer


When SAW 3D: THE FINAL CHAPTER hit theaters in 2010 after 7 straight Octobers with a new film in the franchise. The franchise had become a Tour De Force but also became stale pretty quickly in my opinion. I continued to go to theaters to see each and every film to discuss it on our podcast, Creepcast, but my interest was waning concluding with a money grab of 3D effects.

My favorite films in the series was SAW, SAW II and SAW VI that dealt with healthcare. It was timely then and it still is now. The rest of the films were repetitive and didn’t do much for the franchise.

So when the horror community speculated THE FINAL CHAPTER wasn’t the last we would see of Jigsaw, it turns out we were all correct. Rumors were stirring for quite sometime that Lionsgate would be bringing back Jigsaw for another run in SAW: LEGACY. Turns out we were only half right.

Hope you are ready to play more games because the eighth film in the SAW legacy will be titled JIGSAW and it’s coming this October.  Check out the new trailer from Comic-Con below.

Are you excited to see the franchise get fired back up? Sound off in the comment section below!

Jigsaw – In theaters October 27.

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